Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just get on the mat!!!

In the last month, I’ve entertained countless phone calls, emails and messages about getting started in judo. Out of the last 20 requests, only two new members have shown up.

I’ve owned several businesses in my time, including non-profit judo clubs, and I don’t mind answering questions either via phone or email about the club and judo itself. They’re favorite subjects to talk about. However, when someone has made, one, two, three or more inquires and yet still doesn’t show up even to come check the classes out, then it becomes annoying.

I understand it can cause a bit of anxiety or fear, when it comes to starting something new, however, when do you stop making excuses of why not to start and just get on the mat?

For a non-profit club such as ours, even the cost is a major bonus for students, families with multiple children in sport, or with low incomes. So the cost really is hard to justify not coming out.

Another major excuse is too busy. Well assuming they’re not sitting around on their cushy chairs and couches channel surfacing, all of our practice sessions are in the early evening, so than it becomes a decision to be made.

Why do you want to do judo? Is it for self-defence? Is it for exercise or just plain fun? Is it for the kids?

Whatever the reason is, at some point you need to stop trying to figure it out, and just get on the mat!

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